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All running or scheduled tasks can be listed with osism task list.

| Worker | ID | Name | Status | Start time | Arguments |
| celery@kolla-ansible | 8a553e69-c532-4ba0-a5d4-08a983bde692 | | ACTIVE | 2023-09-27 17:55:54.252250 | ['kolla', 'common', ['-e kolla_action=pull']] |
| celery@osism-ansible | dba72dd5-1885-408f-9262-e0ded111a007 | | ACTIVE | 2023-09-27 18:00:31.215879 | ['generic', 'facts', []] |

Broker reset

Sometimes tasks get stuck. Due to the internal locks it is then not possible to re-execute plays with the same name. Also it is currently not possible to cancel already running tasks (is on the todo list). The only way to unblock the situation is to stop the manager service and start it again.

cd /opt/manager
docker compose down
docker compose up -d

In earlier versions of OSISM, the Redis service was not stateless. In these cases, it is necessary to delete the Redis service volume before restarting the manager service.

docker volume rm manager_redis