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$ osism apply
2023-09-30 10:09:25 | INFO | No role given for execution. The roles listed in the table can be used.
| Role | Environment |
| aodh | kolla |
| barbican | kolla |
| bifrost | kolla |
| bifrost-keypair | kolla |
| ceilometer | kolla |
| certificates | generic |
| cinder | kolla |
| cloudkitty | kolla |
| collectd | kolla |
| common | kolla |
| designate | kolla |
| elasticsearch | kolla |
| etcd | kolla |
| glance | kolla |
| gnocchi | kolla |
| grafana | kolla |
| heat | kolla |
| horizon | kolla |
| ironic | kolla |
| iscsi | kolla |