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Each Ansible service has its own local Ansible log file. These log files are not persistent. The ARA service is used for the persistence of Ansible logs. The log files can be used to view currently running Ansible Plays, for example if they are running as a background task.

$ docker exec -it osism-ansible tail -f /ansible/logs/ansible.log
$ docker exec -it ceph-ansible tail -f /ansible/logs/ansible.log
$ docker exec -it kolla-ansible tail -f /ansible/logs/ansible.log

ARA - ARA Records Ansible

$ osism log ansible
(ara) help

Documented commands (use 'help -v' for verbose/'help <topic>' for details):
alias exit history quit run_script shell
edit help macro run_pyscript set shortcuts

Application commands (type help <topic>):
complete host metrics playbook delete record delete result show
expire host show playbook list record list task delete
help play delete playbook metrics record show task list
host delete play list playbook prune result delete task metrics
host list play show playbook show result list task show

Sample usage

As an example, the role common is run. Irrelevant parts of outputs have been removed.

$ osism apply common
$ osism log ansible
(ara) play list
| id | status | name | playbook | tasks | results | started | duration |
| 69 | completed | Apply role common | 49 | 21 | 68 | 2023-09-30T10:14:01.731212Z | 00:00:38.238032 |
(ara) play show 69
| Field | Value |
| id | 69 |
| report | http://ara-server:8000/playbooks/49.html |
| status | completed |
| name | Apply role common |
| playbook | (49) /ansible/kolla-common.yml |
| started | 2023-09-30T10:14:01.731212Z |
| ended | 2023-09-30T10:14:39.969244Z |
| duration | 00:00:38.238032 |
| items | {'tasks': 21, 'results': 68} |
(ara) task list
| id | status | results | action | name | playbook | started | duration |
| 910 | completed | 0 | meta | common : Flush handlers | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:37.126872Z | 00:00:02.552006 |
| 909 | completed | 4 | file | common : Link kolla_logs volume to /var/log/kolla | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:35.502754Z | 00:00:01.039468 |
| 908 | completed | 4 | kolla_docker | common : Creating log volume | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:34.134312Z | 00:00:01.076976 |
| 907 | completed | 4 | kolla_docker | common : Check common containers | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:31.411916Z | 00:00:02.146165 |
| 906 | completed | 4 | template | common : Copy rabbitmq erl_inetrc to kolla toolbox | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:29.500998Z | 00:00:01.327607 |
| 905 | completed | 4 | template | common : Copy rabbitmq-env.conf to kolla toolbox | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:27.979869Z | 00:00:01.231630 |
| 904 | completed | 4 | file | common : Ensuring config directories have correct owner and permission | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:26.422535Z | 00:00:01.263370 |
| 903 | completed | 4 | template | common : Ensure RabbitMQ Erlang cookie exists | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:24.880329Z | 00:00:01.255475 |
| 902 | completed | 4 | template | common : Copying over cron logrotate config file | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:23.199518Z | 00:00:01.392765 |
| 901 | completed | 4 | template | common : Copying over td-agent.conf | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:21.085351Z | 00:00:01.826039 |
| 900 | completed | 1 | find | common : Find custom fluentd output config files | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:19.859670Z | 00:00:00.939663 |
| 899 | completed | 1 | find | common : Find custom fluentd format config files | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:18.711171Z | 00:00:00.858586 |
| 898 | completed | 1 | find | common : Find custom fluentd filter config files | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:17.542234Z | 00:00:00.877270 |
| 897 | completed | 1 | find | common : Find custom fluentd input config files | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:15.911699Z | 00:00:01.315217 |
| 896 | completed | 4 | template | common : Copying over config.json files for services | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:13.588195Z | 00:00:02.031647 |
| 895 | completed | 4 | copy | service-cert-copy : common | Copying over backend internal TLS key | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:12.216984Z | 00:00:01.074853 |
| 894 | completed | 4 | copy | service-cert-copy : common | Copying over backend internal TLS certificate | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:10.895833Z | 00:00:01.022530 |
| 893 | completed | 4 | copy | service-cert-copy : common | Copying over extra CA certificates | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:08.551850Z | 00:00:02.040932 |
| 892 | completed | 4 | include_tasks | common : include_tasks | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:07.019883Z | 00:00:00.950605 |
| 891 | completed | 4 | file | common : Ensuring config directories exist | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:04.801633Z | 00:00:01.926842 |
| 890 | completed | 4 | include_tasks | common : include_tasks | 49 | 2023-09-30T10:14:03.054547Z | 00:00:01.166032 |
(ara) task show 910
| Field | Value |
| id | 910 |
| uuid | 0242ac1f-6510-3867-9eea-00000000004f |
| report | http://ara-server:8000/playbooks/49.html |
| name | common : Flush handlers |
| action | meta |
| status | completed |
| path | /ansible/roles/common/tasks/deploy.yml |
| lineno | 8 |
| started | 2023-09-30T10:14:37.126872Z |
| ended | 2023-09-30T10:14:39.678878Z |
| duration | 00:00:02.552006 |
| tags | ['common'] |
| handler | False |
(ara) playbook list
| id | status | controller | user | ansible_version | path | tasks | results | hosts | started | duration |
| 49 | completed | kolla-ansible.manager_default | dragon | 2.14.10 | /ansible/kolla-common.yml | 21 | 68 | 5 | 2023-09-30T10:14:01.410334Z | 00:00:39.135309 |
(ara) playbook metrics
| aggregate | count | duration_total | duration_avg | tasks | results | hosts | completed | failed | running |
| /ansible/kolla-common.yml | 2 | 0:02:53.934432 | 0:01:26.967216 | 46 | 152 | 10 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
(ara) host list
| id | name | playbook | changed | failed | ok | skipped | unreachable | updated |
| 164 | | 49 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 2 | 0 | 2023-09-30T10:14:40.543599Z |
| 161 | | 49 | 0 | 0 | 18 | 2 | 0 | 2023-09-30T10:14:40.283581Z |
| 163 | | 49 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 2 | 0 | 2023-09-30T10:14:40.280601Z |
| 162 | | 49 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 2 | 0 | 2023-09-30T10:14:40.279181Z |
| 165 | kolla-ansible.manager_default | 49 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2023-09-30T10:14:16.932135Z |
(ara) host show 164
| Field | Value |
| id | 164 |
| report | http://ara-server:8000/playbooks/49.html |
| name | |
| changed | 0 |
| failed | 0 |
| ok | 14 |
| skipped | 2 |
| unreachable | 0 |
| updated | 2023-09-30T10:14:40.543599Z |


$ osism log container testbed-node-0 horizon
++++ APACHE_LOCK_DIR=/var/lock/apache2
++++ export APACHE_LOG_DIR=/var/log/apache2
++++ APACHE_LOG_DIR=/var/log/apache2
++++ export LANG=C
++++ LANG=C
++++ export LANG
+++ install -d /var/run/apache2/
+++ rm -rf '/var/run/apache2/*'
+++ [[ ubuntu =~ centos|rocky ]]
+ echo 'Running command: '\''/usr/sbin/apache2 -DFOREGROUND'\'''
+ exec /usr/sbin/apache2 -DFOREGROUND
AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message


OpenSearch can be queried with SQL.

$ osism log opensearch
>>> SELECT * FROM flog-2023.10.31 LIMIT 1;
Oct 31 10:45:36 testbed-node-0 docker[847573]: cluster 2023-10-31T10:45:35.498718+0000 mgr.testbed-node-0 (mgr.5184) 24194 : cluster [DBG] pgmap v24196: 321 pgs: 321 active+clean; 577 KiB data, 270 MiB used, 60 GiB / 60 GiB avail

>>> SELECT * FROM flog-2023.10.31 LIMIT 5;
Oct 31 11:19:57 testbed-node-2 docker[880827]: 2023-10-31T11:19:57.650+0000 7fa7e7c88700 0 [dashboard INFO root] Redirecting to active ''
Oct 31 11:19:57 testbed-node-2 docker[880827]: 2023-10-31T11:19:57.650+0000 7fa7e7c88700 0 [dashboard INFO request] [::ffff:] [OPTIONS] [302] [0.001s] [105.0B] [8a69cc7a-23db-410b-b744-cc5689cb4f4c] /
Oct 31 11:19:58 testbed-node-2 docker[844686]: cluster 2023-10-31T11:19:56.329684+0000 mgr.testbed-node-0 (mgr.5184) 25224 : cluster [DBG] pgmap v25226: 321 pgs: 321 active+clean; 577 KiB data, 270 MiB used, 60 GiB / 60 GiB avail
Oct 31 11:19:58 testbed-node-2 docker[844686]: debug 2023-10-31T11:19:58.566+0000 7fdbc9728700 1 mon.testbed-node-2@2(peon).osd e74 _set_new_cache_sizes cache_size:1020054731 inc_alloc: 348127232 full_alloc: 348127232 kv_alloc: 322961408
Oct 31 11:19:58 testbed-node-2 docker[880827]: 2023-10-31T11:19:58.710+0000 7fa7eb48f700 0 [dashboard INFO root] Redirecting to active ''

>>> SELECT * FROM flog-2023.10.31 WHERE Hostname = 'testbed-node-0' LIMIT 5
PATH_INFO: `/` log_request_info /var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keystone/server/flask/request_processing/
REQUEST_METHOD: `GET` log_request_info /var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keystone/server/flask/request_processing/
SCRIPT_NAME: `` log_request_info /var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keystone/server/flask/request_processing/ - - [31/Oct/2023 10:57:33] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 300 1761 0.001253
(1039) accepted ('', 58732) server /var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/eventlet/

>>> SELECT * FROM flog-2023.10.31 WHERE Hostname = 'testbed-node-0' AND programname = 'keystone' LIMIT 5
PATH_INFO: `/` log_request_info /var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keystone/server/flask/request_processing/
REQUEST_METHOD: `GET` log_request_info /var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keystone/server/flask/request_processing/
SCRIPT_NAME: `` log_request_info /var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keystone/server/flask/request_processing/
PATH_INFO: `/` log_request_info /var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keystone/server/flask/request_processing/
REQUEST_METHOD: `GET` log_request_info /var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keystone/server/flask/request_processing/