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OpenStack, OVN, and Open vSwitch all really like UUIDs.

$ openstack --os-cloud admin image list -f yaml
- ID: d64f0b9d-0ea1-40b0-b879-b98e46fc7bcf
Name: Cirros 0.6.0
Status: active
- ID: ee842bc5-dd29-4de5-a5db-1c9be759fe85
Name: Cirros 0.6.1
Status: active
- ID: cd28d95c-bd12-4e1e-8155-b9bf5ecbcb2f
Name: Cirros 0.6.2
Status: active

These UUIDs are great for uniqueness, but 36-character strings are terrible for readability. Statistically, just the first few characters are enough for uniqueness in small environments, so let’s define a helper to make things more readable:

abbrev() { a='[0-9a-fA-F]' b=$a$a c=$b$b; sed "s/$b-$c-$c-$c-$c$c$c//g"; }

You can use this as a filter to abbreviate UUIDs. For example, use it to abbreviate the above image list:

$ openstack --os-cloud admin image list -f yaml | abbrev
- ID: d64f0b
Name: Cirros 0.6.0
Status: active
- ID: ee842b
Name: Cirros 0.6.1
Status: active
- ID: cd28d9
Name: Cirros 0.6.2
Status: active


Open vSwitch (OVS)

Open vSwitch on a network node with external network vxlan0 and integration with the Octavia service via ohm0.

$ docker exec -it openvswitch_vswitchd ovs-vsctl show
Bridge br-int
fail_mode: secure
datapath_type: system
Port ovn-testbe-0
Interface ovn-testbe-0
type: geneve
options: {csum="true", key=flow, remote_ip=""}
Port br-int
Interface br-int
type: internal
Port ovn-testbe-1
Interface ovn-testbe-1
type: geneve
options: {csum="true", key=flow, remote_ip=""}
Port tap8fe7d09b-90
Interface tap8fe7d09b-90
Port ohm0
Interface ohm0
type: internal
Bridge br-ex
Port vxlan0
Interface vxlan0
Port br-ex
Interface br-ex
type: internal

Open Virtual Network (OVN)

Get OVN NB and OVN SB connection information from the /etc/kolla/neutron-server/ml2_conf.ini file.

ovn_nb_connection=$(sudo grep -P -o -e "(?<=^ovn_nb_connection = ).*" "/etc/kolla/neutron-server/ml2_conf.ini")
ovn_sb_connection=$(sudo grep -P -o -e "(?<=^ovn_sb_connection = ).*" "/etc/kolla/neutron-server/ml2_conf.ini")

The following examples are from a fresh osism/testbed deployment with no payload running yet.

OVN NB DB entries:

$ docker exec ovn_northd ovn-nbctl --db "$ovn_nb_connection" show | abbrev
switch b5139b (neutron-8fe7d0) (aka lb-mgmt-net)
port 45a49e
type: localport
addresses: ["fa:16:3e:fa:99:ea"]
port 4d39a5 (aka octavia-listen-port-testbed-node-2)
addresses: ["fa:16:3e:dc:11:e4"]
port 8df1b7 (aka octavia-listen-port-testbed-node-0)
addresses: ["fa:16:3e:4d:63:a9"]
port ddb6aa (aka octavia-listen-port-testbed-node-1)
addresses: ["fa:16:3e:67:f3:3d"]

OVN SB DB entries:

$ docker exec ovn_northd ovn-sbctl --db "$ovn_sb_connection" show | abbrev
Chassis testbed-node-0
hostname: testbed-node-0
Encap geneve
ip: ""
options: {csum="true"}
Port_Binding "8df1b7"
Chassis testbed-node-2
hostname: testbed-node-2
Encap geneve
ip: ""
options: {csum="true"}
Port_Binding "4d39a5"
Chassis testbed-node-1
hostname: testbed-node-1
Encap geneve
ip: ""
options: {csum="true"}
Port_Binding "ddb6aa

OVN NB status:

$ docker exec ovn_nb_db ovs-appctl -t /var/run/ovn/ovnnb_db.ctl cluster/status OVN_Northbound | abbrev
Name: OVN_Northbound
Cluster ID: f5eb (f5ebd8)
Server ID: 6d15 (6d159e)
Address: tcp:
Status: cluster member
Role: follower
Term: 5
Leader: 87d6
Vote: 87d6

Last Election started 41049332 ms ago, reason: timeout
Election timer: 1000
Log: [2, 54]
Entries not yet committed: 0
Entries not yet applied: 0
Connections: ->21d7 ->87d6 <-87d6 <-21d7
Disconnections: 6
6d15 (6d15 at tcp: (self)
87d6 (87d6 at tcp: last msg 266 ms ago
21d7 (21d7 at tcp: last msg 41048563 ms ago

OVN SB status:

$ docker exec ovn_sb_db ovs-appctl -t /var/run/ovn/ovnsb_db.ctl cluster/status OVN_Southbound | abbrev
Name: OVN_Southbound
Cluster ID: bd0c (bd0c26)
Server ID: be29 (be2932)
Address: tcp:
Status: cluster member
Role: follower
Term: 6
Leader: dfdf
Vote: unknown

Last Election started 41063820 ms ago, reason: timeout
Election timer: 1000
Log: [2, 62]
Entries not yet committed: 0
Entries not yet applied: 0
Connections: ->dfdf ->085c <-dfdf <-085c
Disconnections: 7
be29 (be29 at tcp: (self)
dfdf (dfdf at tcp: last msg 146 ms ago
085c (085c at tcp: last msg 41063293 ms ago