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With the osism.commons.packages role, it is possible to add packages on a node The parameters should be used in the inventory or in the environments/configuration.yml file.

The role is applied during the bootstrap. The role can be applied manually using osism apply packages.

The following packages are installed by default.

- curl
- dmidecode
- ethtool
- iotop
- jq
- lsscsi
- ltrace
- mtr
- nvme-cli
- pciutils
- rsyslog
- socat
- sysstat
- tmux
- tree
- whois

Additional packages can be added via the required_packages_extra parameter.

required_packages_extra: []

Distribution specific packages


With Debian, the packages listed in required_packages_distribution are installed by default.

- command-not-found
- debconf
- debsums
- htop
- iftop
- iperf
- multitail
- ncdu
- pv
- python-is-python3
- selinux-utils
- ssh

The apt_cache_valid_time parameter can be used to set the cache_valid_time paremter of the ansible.builtin.apt module. The module updates the apt cache if it is older than the cache_valid_time. The parameter is set in seconds and defaults to 3600.


With CentOS, the packages listed in required_packages_distribution are installed by default.

- libselinux-utils
- openssh

Upgrade of packages

The upgrade_packages parameter can be used to configure the upgrade of packages. The parameter is set to true by default.