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In the following examples, it is assumed that the Squid proxy integrated by OSISM is used on the first manager node. Any other proxy accessible from the nodes can also be used here. http://{{ groups['manager'][0] }}:3128 which is used here as an example is then replaced accordingly with the address of the proxy.

The Squid service can be deployed on the first manager. This is useful if no proxy can be used in the environment. The first manager node is then used by all other nodes as a pass-through node. Please note that this is not a caching proxy or even an air gap. This is also possible with OSISM, but not with the help of the Squid service.

osism apply squid


This allows Docker images to be pulled via a proxy.

# proxy

docker_configure_proxy: true
docker_proxy_http: "http://{{ groups['manager'][0] }}:3128"
docker_proxy_https: "{{ docker_proxy_http }}"


This allows APT packages to be downloaded via a proxy.

# proxy

http: "http://{{ groups['manager'][0] }}:3128"
https: "http://{{ groups['manager'][0] }}:3128"


Proxy settings for containers such as Magnum that need internet access.

# proxy

container_http_proxy: "http://{{ groups['manager'][0] }}:3128"
container_https_proxy: "http://{{ groups['manager'][0] }}:3128"
container_no_proxy: "localhost,"