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Instructions for the upgrade can be found in the Upgrade Guide.

The release notes build on each other. When upgrading from 6.0.2 to 7.0.4, you should therefore not only read and take into account the release notes for 7.0.4 but also the previous release notes. The same applies to an update from, for example, 7.0.2 to 7.0.4. The release notes for 7.0.3 must then also be taken into account.

ReleaseRelease Date
7.1.38. September 2024
7.1.218. August 2024
7.1.112. August 2024
7.1.010. July 2024
7.0.524. May 2024
7.0.47. May 2024
7.0.33. May 2024
7.0.217. April 2024
7.0.127. March 2024
7.0.020. March 2024

7.1.3 (20240908)

Release date: 8. September 2024

  • The Ceph service images have not been rebuilt. No upgrade of Ceph is required.

  • The OpenStack service images for Ironic have been rebuilt. Upgrades of the Ironic service is recommended.

  • New manager features.

    • The name of the Kubernetes Cluster API image managed with osism manage image clusterapi changed to e.g. ubuntu-capi-image-v1.30.0.

    • Zombie processes when using osism console --type ansible <HOSTGROUP> are now removed.

  • New Kolla features.

    • The Prometheus node-exporter is now deployed on all nodes by default.

    • cAdvisor is now deployed on all nodes by default.

    • Deprecation warnings in API services are disabled by default. To change this add the following parameter in environments/kolla/configuration.yml.

      kolla_disable_python_deprecation_warnings: "no"
  • New features in the osism.commons.packages role.

    • bash-completion and git are installed by default.
  • New features in the role.

    • The start period of services can be configured.

      netbox_service_netbox_start_period: 120s
      netbox_service_netbox_worker_start_period: 30s
      netbox_service_postgres_start_period: 30s
      netbox_service_redis_start_period: 30s

7.1.2 (20240818)

Release date: 18. August 2024

  • The Ceph service images have not been rebuilt. No upgrade of Ceph is required.

  • The OpenStack service images have not been rebuilt. No upgrade of OpenStack is required.

  • New manager features.

    • It is now possible to manage custom images with osism manage images.
    • It is now possible to manage custom flavors with osism manage flavors.
    • Kubernetes Cluster API Images 1.31 are now deployed with osism manage image clusterapi.
    • With osism apply -a config PLAY it is now possible to update only the configuration files for services from the Kolla project.
    • The Mitogen plugin for Ansible has been updated and Ansible 2.17 should now also be usable.
    • With osism apply disable-compute-node it is possible to stop & disable all services on a compute node.
    • With osism apply remove-compute-node it is possible to stop, disable & remove all services on a compute node.
    • With osism apply disable-network-node it is possible to stop & disable all services on a network node.
    • With osism apply enable-network-node it is possible to start & enable all services on a network node.
  • New features in the role.

    • Dummy devices can be managed with the network_dummy_devices parameter (for Ubuntu >= 24.04).
  • New features in the osism.commons.packages role.

    • The mode of the need start featore of APT can now be configured via the packages_needrestart_mode parameter. By default, services that are to be restarted are only listed.
  • Removed roles.

    • osism.validations.refstack has been removed in favor of the osism.validations.tempest role. The OpenStack Interop and therefore also the Refstack project will no longer be actively continued.

    • has been removed in favor of the new SCS health monitor. This will probably be usable with OSISM 8.

7.1.1 (20240812)

Release date: 12. August 2024

  • The Ceph service images have not been rebuilt. No upgrade of Ceph is required.

  • The OpenStack service images for Nova and Keystone have been rebuilt. Upgrades of the Nova service is recommended. The OVN, OVS and Fluentd service images have been rebuild.

    • The Nova images have been rebuilt because of a critical security issues. Further details can be found in security advisory OSSA-2024-002: Incomplete file access fix and regression for QCOW2 backing files and VMDK flat descriptors and in SCS blog post SCS Security Advisory on incomplete QCOW2 and VMDK image handling protections (CVE-2024-40767). This upgrade is important. If a hotfix for this problem has already been deployed in advance, the parameters added for this in environments/kolla/images.yml must be removed again.

    • The Keystone images have been rebuilt to make the use of the vexxhost/keystone-keycloak-backend plugin possible. If this plugin is not relevant, the upgrade can be skipped.

    • The Fluentd image has been rebuilt to make the use of the fluent-plugin-grafana-loki plugin possible. If this plugin is not relevant, the upgrade can be skipped.

    • Rebuild of the OVN images to update version to 24.3.2. Housekeeping for clusters that want the latest stable versions. The upgrade can be skipped, there is no reason from a functional point of view.

    • Rebuild of the OVS images to update version to 3.3.1. Housekeeping for clusters that want the latest stable versions. The upgrade can be skipped, there is no reason from a functional point of view.

    • When upgrading the Nova and Keystone API services, there is a short downtime of the APIs. This downtime is usually less than 1 minute.

  • The Kubernetes version of the integrated Kubernetes cluster has been upgraded to 1.30.3. An upgrade of the Kubernetes cluster should be performed with osism apply k3s-upgrade.

  • In preparation for the support of Ubuntu 24.04, the default Docker version was changed to 26.1.4. If an upgrade of Docker is made, this should be done node by node. The upgrade results in a restart of all containers.

    If you do not want to upgrade from Docker 24.0.9 to 26.1.4 yet, make sure that the versions are pinned in environments/configuration.yml. Double check that the versions there are correct after the configuration repositoryhas been pulled on the manager.

    docker_version: "5:24.0.9"
    docker_cli_version: "5:24.0.9"
  • The CAPI and CAPO versions have been changed to 1.7.4 and 0.10.4.. Run osism apply clusterapi if you use CAPI management cluster on the ingegrated Kubernetes cluster.

  • New Kolla features.

    • The CS_AUTH_KEYS environment variable for Barbican containers can be set via barbican_cs_auth_keys.
  • New roles & plays.

    • osism apply cleanup-journal to vacuum the journald logs
    • osism apply openvswitch-ipfix to manage an Open vSwitch IPFIX collector
    • osism apply openvswitch-netflow to manage an Open vSwitch Netflow collector
    • osism apply openvswitch-sflow to manage an Open vSwitch sFlow collector
    • osism apply zabbix_agent for the deployment of the Zabbix agent
    • osism validate ceph-connectivity to validate Ceph network connectivity
    • osism validate kolla-connectivity to valdate Kolla network connectivity
    • osism validate ntp to validate NTP synchronisation

7.1.0 (20240710)

Release date: 10. July 2024

  • The Ceph service images have not been rebuilt. No upgrade of Ceph is required.

  • The OpenStack service images for Octavia, Nova, Glance, Cinder and Magnum have been rebuilt. Upgrades of those services are recommended. No upgrades of other OpenStack and associated infrastructure services such as MariaDB or RabbitMQ are required.

    • The Nova, Glance, and Cinder images have been rebuilt because of a critical security issues. Further details can be found in security advisory OSSA-2024-001: Arbitrary file access through custom QCOW2 external data and in SCS blog post SCS Security Advisory on arbitrary file access through QCOW2 external data file (CVE-2024-32498). This upgrade is important. If a hotfix for this problem has already been deployed in advance, the parameters added for this in environments/kolla/images.yml must be removed again.

    • The Octavia images have been rebuilt to fix an issue with the removal of leftover OVN LB HM ports (osism/issues#921). If this is not relevant, the upgrade can be skipped.

    • The Magnum images have been rebuild to bump the versions of the included Magnum Cluster API plugins and to make the use of the Cilium CNI possible. If this is not relevant, the upgrade can be skipped.

    • When upgrading the Octavia, Nova, Glance, Cinder and Magnum API services, there is a short downtime of the APIs. This downtime is usually less than 1 minute.

  • New manager features.

    • It is possible to lock parts of the configuration repository or the complete configuration repository. It is then no longer possible to execute plays assigned to these parts in the locked parts. This makes it possible to prevent the execution of plays in specific areas. To lock an environment, a .lock file is created in the corresponding directory of the environment. For example, the file environments/kolla/.lock locks the Kolla environment.

    • The defaults for the hosts_* parameters have been changed from all to generic in all plays. The default for the hosts_* parameters has already been set to generic in osism/defaults. This means that the behaviour does not change.

    • The old wrapper scripts, e.g. osism-generic, are no longer copied. They will be removed in the future.

    • There is a new manager service that is used to manage all services on the internal Kubernetes cluster. This has to be activated explicitly via the parameter enable_osism_kubernetes in environments/manager/configuration.yml.

    • Host vars from the configuration repository are no longer synchronised to the Netbox. The config context of hosts from the Netbox can still be used for host vars.

  • New Kolla features.

    • With the haproxy_enable_horizon parameter it is possible to disable the Horizon service in the loadbalancer. The value of the parameter is yes by default.
    • An error in the play for MariaDB backups has been fixed. It is now possible to use incremental backups.
    • The org.opencontainers.image.version container label is now used for the service versions inside the container image. So far, it has been used for the OSISM version.
    • The haproxy_socket_level_admin parameter is now set to yes by default.
    • With the kolla_handler_throttle parameter it is possible to throttle the execution of handlers.
    • If the restart of a container fails in the loadbalancer play, the execution of the play is interrupted immediately. This prevents the master container from being restarted if one of the backup containers fails to restart.
  • New roles & plays.

    • The k9s CLI can be used with osism.commons.k9s.
    • With it is possible to connect a node to a Netbird cluster.
    • With the gather-facts play it is possible to gather only the facts.
    • The manage-loadbalancer play can be used to manage the API services in the loadbalancer. In future, this play will be used by all upgrade plays to automatically remove an API service from the loadbalancer before restarting.
  • Removed roles.

    • osism.commons.kompose
  • Technical preview.

    • Rook
  • New documentation.

7.0.5 (20240524)

Release date: 24. May 2024

  • The Ceph service images have not been rebuilt. No upgrade of Ceph is required.

  • The OpenStack service images have not been rebuilt. No upgrade of OpenStack is required.

  • Bugfixes in the role.

    • When extending the role for CentOS and RHEL, a bug was introduced that prevented existing Netplan files from being deleted on Ubuntu. This has been fixed.
  • Bugfixes in the role.

    • The repositories used were changed from Packagecloud to the repositories offered by the Netdata project itself. In this way, unresolvable package dependencies on Ubuntu 22.04 are now resolved.
  • New features in the role.

    • The use of the Netbox as the primary inventory is now optional, even with existing Netbox integration. It is therefore important to set the parameter manager_inventory_from_netbox to true before updating the manager service if the Netbox was previously used as the primary inventory. By default, the Netbox is not longer used as the primary inventory.

      manager_inventory_from_netbox: true
  • New features in the role.

    • With the docker_throttle_restart parameter it's possible to throttle the service restarts. By default service restarts will not be throttled.

      docker_throttle_restart: 1
    • With the docker_wait_after_restart it is possible to wait docker_wait_after_restart_seconds seconds (60 seconds by default) after the restart of the Docker service. By default it will not be waited after the restart of the Docker service.

      docker_wait_after_restart: true
      docker_wait_after_restart_seconds: 60
  • New features in the role.

    • With the traefik_configuration_extra parameter it's possible to add extra configuration to the Traefik service.

    • With the traefik_extra_ports parameter it's possible to manage additional ports with traefik. E.g. to manage port 5000 and port 8774:

      - 5000
      - 8774
    • With the traefik_configuration_dynamic parameter it's possible to define additional services via the file provider.

      This will add a router that routes all requests on to the service-horizon service.

      - address: ""
      rule: "HostSNI(``)"
      service: service-horizon
      - https
      passthrough: true
  • New features in the osism.commons.operator role.

    • With the operator_authorized_keys_delete parameter it's possible to delete authorized keys from the authorized key files of the operator user account. This is the counterpart to the operator_authorized_keys parameter.

    • With the operator_authorized_github_accounts_delete parameter it's possible to delete all authorized keys from a list of GitHub accounts from the authorized key files of the operator user account. This is the counterpart to the operator_authorized_github_accounts parameter.

  • New features in the osism.commons.known_hosts role.

    • With the known_hosts_delete parameter it's possible to delete known hosts entries from the known hosts file of the operator user account. This is the counterpart to the known_hosts and known_hosts_extra parameters.
  • New features in the osism.commons.user role.

    • With the user_sudoers parameter it's possible to change the content of the user sudoers file. The default is ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL.
  • New features in the osism.commons.proxy role.

    • Proxy settings are now removed when no proxy setings are set with the proxy_proxies parameter.
  • New playbooks and changes in the existing playbooks.

    • The ensure-no-instances ensures that no instances are defined in Libvirt and that no qemu processes are running. This can be used in preparation for maintenance work on compute nodes. In the future, the play will also take care of moving running or assigned instances from a compute node with the help of the OSISM Resource Manager.

    • With the loadbalancer-without-service-config play it's possible to manage the loadbalancer service without including all the OpenStack service roles. This makes it possible to do a loadbalancer container image upgrade pretty fast and also enables the deployment of multiple loadbalancers with separate configurations by using the sub environments.

    • The osism.commons.sshconfig role and the osism.commons.certificates role are now also run in the bootstrap play of the Manager.

    • With the k3s-upgrade play it is possible to upgrade the internal K3s Kubernetes cluster.

  • New documentation.

  • Changes in the Testbed.

    • It is now possible to provide the OpenStack APIs and the OpenStack Dashboard via a public IP address with a public DNS record including Letsencrypt certificate via a customisation external-api via the manager node.

    • Ansible, which is required to initially deploy the Manager, is now installed in a virtual environment. This means that it is now also possible to use Ubuntu 24.04 as the operating system for the nodes.

  • The CLI of the Simple Stress tool has been changed to Typer. Units tests for improving code quality have been added.

  • New Kubernetes CAPI images for the Kubernetes serias 1.27, 1.28, 1.29, and 1.30 are available.

  • To avoid confusion, rolling-upgrade has been removed as a supported action for the osism apply command. The upgrade action should always and exclusively be used.

7.0.4 (20240507)

Release date: 7. May 2024

Due to an error in osism/sbom repository, the Nova and Octavia images were not updated as originally stated in the release notes for OSISM 7.0.3. Therefore it was unfortunately necessary to release a 7.0.4 which contains the correct SBOM. In 7.0.4 nothing has changed except the SBOM. The correct images for Nova and Octavia are now included in 7.0.4 and the bugs listed below have been fixed. An update of the Manager Service must be done and then, if required, an update of Nova and Octavia can be updated as originally planned for OSISM 7.0.3. We apologise for the mistake and the resulting effort.

  • The OpenStack service images for Octavia and Nova have been rebuilt. Upgrades of the Octavia and Nova services are recommended. No upgrades of other OpenStack and associated infrastructure services such as MariaDB or RabbitMQ are required.

    • The Nova images have been rebuilt to add packages to be able to use vTMP (osism/issues#1008) If this is not relevant, the upgrade can be skipped.

    • The octavia images have been rebuilt to resolve an issue when creating a LB + a listener with an allowed_cidr with the fully-populated API (osism/issues#980)

    • When upgrading the Nova and Octavia API services, there is a short downtime of the APIs. This downtime is usually less than 1 minute.

7.0.3 (20240503)

Release date: 3. May 2024

  • The Ceph service images have not been rebuilt. No upgrade of Ceph is required.

  • The OpenStack service images have not been rebuilt. No upgrade of OpenStack is required.

  • During the preparation of the upgrades of the regions of the PCO a bug (osism/issues#973) has been noticed which leads to a delay of up to 2 minutes between the necessary container stops and starts. This is due to a bug in the service units of all Kolla services. The bug is fixed in the current release. To avoid the delay during an upgrade, a fix must be applied in advance for all service units from Kolla.

    osism apply fix-gh973
  • The Kubernetes Cluster API image for the Kubernetes (K8s) 1.30 series is available. The images are now provided directly with osism manage image clusterapi. This means that K8s Cluster API images are now available for K8s series 1.27, 1.28, 1.29 and 1.30.

  • All Ansible collections have been prepared for use with Ubuntu 24.04. It is currently not recommended to upgrade existing clusters to Ubuntu 24.04 or to install new clusters with Ubuntu 24.04. There will be a note in future release notes that announces the full support of Ubuntu 24.04. At the moment everything related to Ubuntu 24.04 is a technical preview.

  • A new role tempest has been added to the Ansible collection osism.validations. This makes it possible to perform significantly more tests than with the previously used osism.validations.refstack role. The new role will be used in the testbed in future to significantly increase the number of tests performed in the CI.

  • New documentation for the project manager and the simple stress.

  • When using the reboot play, it is now possible to wait for the reboot to be completed (osism/issues#758).

    osism apply reboot \
    -e reboot_wait=yes \
    -e ireallymeanit=yes
  • Monitoring services are now activated by default for the internal Kubernetes cluster.

  • The openstack_cacert parameter used by Kolla is now set to "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" by default. The previous default was "". If this is not wanted, the parameter must be overwritten in environments/kolla/configuration.yml.

  • The ironic_agent_files_directory parameter used by Kolla is now set to /share/ironic by default. The previous default was "{{ node_custom_config }}". If this is not wanted, the parameter must be overwritten in environments/kolla/configuration.yml. This is in preparation for the Ironic IPA images no longer being stored in the configuration repository but within the manager service at runtime.

  • The Ironic IPA images are now downloaded from ironic play by default. If this is not wanted, enable_ironic_agent_download_images: false must be set in environments/kolla/configuration.yml. The Ironic IPA images can now also be downloaded independently of the ironic play with osism apply ironic-download-ipa-images.

  • The ceph_cluster_fsid parameter is now generated automatically. It can be removed from environments/configuration.yml. The automatically generated ceph_clusterfs_fsid parameter is set to the value of the fsid parameter from environments/ceph/configuration.yml.

  • You can now use your own hook scripts in osism/cfg-cookiecutter. These are placed in the directory {{cookiecutter.project_name}}/scripts.d/ directory. The scripts are executed in alphabetical order. The scripts must be executable.

  • Versions not yet pinned in the manager environment of the configuration repository (Ansible collections, osism/cfg-generics, ..) are now automatically pinned during synchronisation with gilt overlay. This also applies to the osism update manager script.

  • The Docker version and the Docker CLI version can now also be managed via osism/cfg-generics. It is recommended to pin the Docker version in environments/configuration.yml.

    docker_version: '5:24.0.9'
  • When using the single service plays for Ceph (ceph-osds, ceph-mons, ..), no service restarts are executed for other services. This can be adjusted with the ceph_handler_*_restart parameters. The default value is false.


    The following example now makes it possible when adding new OSDs to really only start the OSDs that have been newly added and to avoid a restart of all OSDs in the cluster or on a node.

    osism apply ceph-osds -e ceph_handler_osds_restart=False
  • The restart of Ceph Services is now throttled. By default, only one Ceph service is restarted at a time. This can be adjusted with the ceph_handler_*_restart_throttle parameters. The default value is 1.

  • OVN container images will be built without the -march=broadwell parameter in the future. The OVN images have not been updated with this release, this only serves as an announcement for the future. By removing the parameter, it is possible to use the OVN container images on older CPUs. It is planned to provide different variants of the OVN and OVS container images in the future to enable parameters for modern CPUs in order to improve performance in particular.

  • This has nothing to do with the release itself and is just a notice. The build of the OpenStack Zed images has been disabled.

7.0.2 (20240407)

Release date: 17. April 2024

  • The Ceph & OpenStack service images have not been rebuilt. No upgrades of Ceph & OpenStack and associated infrastructure services such as MariaDB or RabbitMQ are required.

  • Properties for device type vrfs are now supported in the role.

  • Debian support in osism.commons & Ansible collection.

    • The roles of the osism.commons collection are now usable with Debian. The roles have been tested with Debian Bookworm.
    • The roles of the collection are now usable with Debian. The roles have been tested with Debian Bookworm.
  • If the OSISM CLI is executed as root user there is now an informal warning message.

  • Use a single network for Ceph frontend & backend in the cookiecutter. More information in the Ceph network configuration reference.

  • When synchronising the configuration repository, it is now ensured that you are on the correct branch.

  • Senlin images available again as rolling tag for OpenStack 2023.2.

  • Zun images available again as rolling tag for OpenStack 2023.2 & 2024.1.

  • New FRR configuration template for loadbalancers with an external uplink in the role.

  • scs:name-v1 and scs:name-v2 extra specs are now set via the OpenStack flavor manager.

  • Task ID is now displayed in the output of the OSISM CLI for prepared tasks.

  • New Makefile target in the OSISM Testbed to fetch the Wireguard configuration file: vpn-wireguard-config.

  • With the play noop it is now possible to run a play with noop. This is useful for testing purposes of the manager service.

  • The stable repository is now used as the default for the Netdata service in the role. This avoids package conflicts in future.

7.0.1 (20240327)

Release date: 27. March 2024

  • It's now possible to also use custom plays in the kolla and in the ceph environments. As for the other environments, custom plays can now be stored there in a e.g. playbook-hello-world.yml file and run by using e.g. osism apply -e kolla hello-world.

  • The version of k3s has been updated to 1.29.2. If Kubernetes is used, upgrade with osism apply kubernetes.

  • There is a new parameter ceph_custom_keys in the copy-ceph-keys play. This makes it possible to copy the keys from custom Ceph pools.

    - src: ceph.client.manila1.keyring
    dest: "{{ configuration_directory }}/environments/kolla/files/overlays/manila/ceph.client.manila1.keyring"
  • There is a new parameter with_keycloak in the cookiecutter. This can now be used to select whether the keycloak integration should be prepared or not.

  • An error in the ceph-pools play has been fixed that prevented the keys from being created for the pools.

  • The ceph-iscsigws play has been removed. The iSCSI gateway is in maintenance as of November 2022. This means that it is no longer in active development and will not be updated to add new features.

  • With ceph_serial it is now possible to define how many hosts Ansible should manage at a single time in the Ceph plays.

    osism apply ceph-mgrs -e ceph_serial=1
  • With ANSIBLE_VERSION it's now possible to overwrite the use Ansible version when working with the script inside the manager environment.

  • The osism.commons.known_hosts role has been completely revised.

    • avoid duplicate entries in the destination file

    • avoid comments in the destination file

    • make use of static entries possible

      It's now possible to add a known_hosts parameter to the host_vars to set static known hosts entries for a specific host. When this parameter is set ssh-keygen will not be used to generate the known hosts entries on the fly.

      - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1y...
      - ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHN...
      - ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1...
    • make use of extra entries possible

      It's now possible to add a known_hosts_extra parameter to the configuration repository to set extra known hosts entries.

      - ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza...
      - ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza...
    • The Octavia images have been updated. If Octavia is used, an upgrade must be done with osism apply -a upgrade octavia. We addressed the following issues.

7.0.0 (20240320)

Release date: 20. March 2024

  • Shortly before the release, gilt made a major release which led to breaking changes. It is therefore important for the moment to install python-gilt < 2 when synchronising the configuration repository against the generics. In the CI and within the container images, we currently use python-gilt == 1.2.3. This is also the version that's currently installed in the container images and that's set in the requirements.txt.

Removals & Deprecations

  • The role for deploying the Tang service is deprecated in preparation for removal as it is currently not in a usable state. An attempt will be made to make the role usable until the next release. The same applies to Clevis integration via the osism.commons.clevis role.

  • The role for deploying the OpenLDAP service has been removed.

  • The manager plays to control the Vault service (seal, unseal, ..) have been removed as these tasks will be realized directly via the OSISM CLI (osism set vault password, ..) in the future.

  • The role for deploying the Bird service has been removed.

New features

  • With the osism manage image octavia command it is possible to rotate the Octavia Amphora image, which is rebuilt daily. Older images are deactivated. The old images must be removed manually after rotating the amphorae instances.

  • With the osism manage image clusterapi command it is possible to import all currently stable Cluster API images (v1.27, v1.28, and v1.29). As soon as new minor or major versions are available, these are also imported. Old and no longer used versions must currently be removed manually.

  • The persistence feature in Octavia can enabled with the new enable_octavia_jobboard parameter. The jobboard in Octavia is an experimental feature. It is not recommended to use it in production.

    enable_octavia_jobboard: "yes"

    This requires an additional database, which is only created when Octavia play is run in bootstrap mode first.

    osism apply -a bootstrap octavia

    The secret octavia_persistence_database_password must be added to environments/kolla/secrets.yml before.

    octavia_persistence_database_password:  # generate with: pwgen 32 1
  • In preparation for the migration to Rook, the Rook operator is deployable on the internal Kubernetes cluster with osism apply rook. The Rook operator is not yet used for the Ceph deployment. For the deployment of Ceph we still use the ceph-ansible project. For the next release a tool called rookify is planned to migrate the Ceph deployment from ceph-ansible to Rook.

  • CentOS 9 support in osism.commons`` &`` Ansible collection.

    • The roles of the `osism.commons`` collection are now usable with CentOS 9. The roles have been tested with CentOS 9.
    • The roles of the ``` collection are now usable with CentOS 9. The roles have been tested with CentOS 9.
  • With the openstack-resource-manager it is now possible to clean up orphaned amphora instances of Octavia or volumes that are stuck in the DELETING state.

  • Kubernetes can now be deployed with k3s-ansible on the management plane and the control plane.

  • It is now possible to manage the Ceph pools independently of ceph-osds`` play using the ceph-pools` play.

Upgrade notes

  • The switch from classic queue mirroring and durable queues to quorum queues in RabbitMQ has not yet been tested and documented. This is planned for the next release. The switch is not yet recommended.

  • The hosts_interface parameter is now set to internal_interface by default.

  • The Keycloak deployment via Docker Compose, which was previously included as a technical preview, has been completely revised and is now deployed on Kubernetes. No migration from the old deployment via Docker Compose to the new deployment via Kubernetes has been prepared. If you are currently using the Keycloak service, do not upgrade the Keycloak service and contact us in advance.

  • The Keystone role service is required by a number of OpenStack services. The role has been created automatically with new deployments for some time now. It is possible that this role is not yet available on older deployments and must be created once in preparation for the upgrade. You can check whether the role is available in the output of openstack --os-cloud admin role list. If it does not exist, it can be created with openstack --os-cloud admin role create service.

    This service role is required by the service accounts for authentication after the upgrade of the OpenStack services. To avoid problems during the upgrade, it is important to assign this role to all existing service accounts in advance.

    # List all users in the project service with the admin role. The existing service
    # accounts depend on the deployed services and may vary.
    $ openstack --os-cloud admin role assignment list --names --role admin --project service
    | Role | User | Group | Project | Domain | System | Inherited |
    | admin | ironic@Default | | service@Default | | | False |
    | admin | neutron@Default | | service@Default | | | False |
    | admin | gnocchi@Default | | service@Default | | | False |
    | admin | swift@Default | | service@Default | | | False |
    | admin | nova@Default | | service@Default | | | False |
    | admin | placement@Default | | service@Default | | | False |
    | admin | cinder@Default | | service@Default | | | False |
    | admin | glance@Default | | service@Default | | | False |
    | admin | designate@Default | | service@Default | | | False |
    | admin | octavia@Default | | service@Default | | | False |
    | admin | skyline@Default | | service@Default | | | False |
    | admin | ironic-inspector@Default | | service@Default | | | False |
    | admin | ceilometer@Default | | service@Default | | | False |

    # Assign the service role to all users in the project service (repeat this step for every
    # user in the list.
    $ openstack --os-cloud admin role add --user ironic --project service service
  • The use of ProxySQL for MariaDB is now possible and it is possible to switch to it as part of the upgrade. It is not mandatory and there is no recommendation. The parameter enable_proxysql is added to environments/kolla/configuration.yml for this purpose.

    enable_proxysql: yes

    The secrets listed below (proxysql_admin_password, proxysql_stats_password, mariadb_monitor_password) must also be added or changed.

    When migrating to ProxySQL, it is important to upgrade MariaDB first.

    When migrating to ProxySQL, it is important to perform the loadbalancer upgrade before all OpenStack service upgrades. To make sure that the OpenStack services continue to work after the upgrade when ProxySQL is enabled as part of the upgrade, the ProxySQL service must have been deployed first. The ProxySQL service is deployed with the loadbalancer play.

    It is possible that connectivity with the database may be interrupted for a short time during the migration. It is therefore recommended to carry out extensive tests on the staging environment in advance.

  • The following secrets must be added in environments/kolla/secrets.yml:

    octavia_persistence_database_password:  # generate with: pwgen 32 1
    prometheus_bcrypt_salt: # generate with: pwgen 22 1 <-- there's a 22
    prometheus_grafana_password: # generate with: pwgen 32 1
    prometheus_password: # generate with: pwgen 32 1
    proxysql_admin_password: # generate with: pwgen 32 1
    proxysql_stats_password: # generate with: pwgen 32 1
  • The parameter mariadb_monitoring_password in environments/kolla/secrets.yml has to be renamed to mariadb_monitor_password. If the parameter is not present, it is added.

    mariadb_monitor_password:     # generate with: pwgen 32 1
  • The following parameters must be removed from the configuration repository from environments/kolla/configuration.yml:

    ceph_nova_user: nova
    ceph_nova_keyring: ceph.client.nova.keyring
  • Parameters for the Netbox service in environments/infrastructure/configuration.yml or secrets.yml must now also be added in environments/manager/configuration.yml or secrets.yml. In an upcoming release, the parameters can be removed from the infrastructure environment.

  • The Ansible callback plugin osism.commons.still_alive is now available to avoid timeouts for long-running tasks. This currently has to be explicitly enabled in the Ansible configuration. This is done in the environments/ansible.cfg file in the configuration repository. The callback plugin is enabled by default in the future. After this change has been made, the update of the manager must be performed. A manager with a version before OSISM 7.0.0 cannot be longer used if this plugin is set in environments/ansible.cfg.

    stdout_callback = osism.commons.still_alive
  • In the inventory, the nova_backend parameter must be added to the host vars of compute nodes where local storage is used.

    nova_backend: default
  • The SSL certificate file haproxy.pem is now available in a different location in the haproxy container. Previously it was stored under /etc/haproxy/haproxy.pem. From now on it is stored under /etc/haproxy/certificates/haproxy.pem. If you have customised the configuration for the haproxy service or use overlays for this, adjust the locations of the SSL certificate as required.

  • Due to the upgrade from Fluentd to version 5, some directory names within the container image for Fluentd have changed. If you have worked with overlay files in the Fluentd service, check these in advance. Currently we know that /var/run/td-agent is now available as /var/run/fluentd (check osism/issues#864 for details). We assume that other directory names have changed similarly.

  • If a Keystone domain with LDAP backend is used, it is important to add the tls_cacertfile parameter in the [ldap] section of the corresponding domain configuration.

    tls_cacertfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
  • The management of Ceph pools and Ceph clients/keys has been moved to a separate play ceph-pools. It is important to set the openstack_config parameter in environments/ceph/configuration.yml to false or remove it completely if it still exists or is not yet set to false.

Known issues

  • If error Couldn't fetch the key client.bootstrap-rbd at /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rbd/." occurs when updating Ceph in task create potentially missing keys (rbd and rbd-mirror), create directory /var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-rbd/ on the 1st control node used for Ceph. Use the UID 64045 and the GID 64045. Set 0755 as permissions.

  • There are currently problems when using a custom CA in combination with Octavia (osism/issues#890). A bugfix for this will be made available soon.

  • There is another problem when using Octavia in combination with OVN which leads to a leakage of ports when deleting load balancers (osism/issues#921). A bugfix for this is also expected to be available soon.

  • The manager service is updated via osism update manager. If this command is not yet available, you can use osism-update-manager as an alternative.

    osism: 'update manager' is not an osism command. See 'osism --help'.
  • With some upgrades we noticed that in certain constellations there were problems with the OpenStack Octavia service, which could be prevented if the parameter valid_interfaces was added to the environments/kolla/files/overlays/octavia.conf file (osism/issues#1021).

    valid_interfaces = internal

    valid_interfaces = internal

    valid_interfaces = internal

    valid_interfaces = internal

    valid_interfaces = internal

Other & References

Refstack 2022.11 results:

Ran: 356 tests in 1221.9879 sec.
- Passed: 353
- Skipped: 3
- Expected Fail: 0
- Unexpected Success: 0
- Failed: 0
Sum of execute time for each test: 715.6658 sec.

OpenStack 2023.2 press announcement:

OpenStack 2023.2 release notes:

Release notes for each OpenStack service: