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Rookify (Technical Preview)


Rookify is developed to migrate from Ceph-Ansible to Rook in place and without downtime. Nevertheless, it is strongly advised to test Rookify in a controlled environment first, such as the OSISM testbed. Additionally ensure that precautionary backups are made and all other necessary safety measures are in place.

For a condensed summary of the information covered here, refer to the Rookify GitHub repository.

SSH Issues

"Failed to load private key"

  • Ensure the id-rsa keys are "clean" and do not contain unexpected strings like "<<EOF".
  • Clean the keys manually, or use the following command to reformat the keyfile: ssh-keygen -p -N "" -f ssh.key.

"Too many authentications error"

  • This can occur if too many keys are loaded by the ssh-agent.
  • Disable the ssh-agent on your machine. You can do this manually or by allowing direnv to use .envrc with the command direnv allow. To install direnv on your machine refer to Direnv's documentation

Frozen State

  • If the Rookify process freezes, check your connections.
  • In the OSISM testbed, ensure the VPN connection is active. For help to setup the VPN connection for the Testbed refer to OSISM's documentation for testbed setup.