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Setting up OpenStack health monitor on Debian

Kurt Garloff, 2024-02-20


The development of openstack-health-monitor was done on openSUSE 15.x images, just because the author is very familiar with it and has some of the needed tools preinstalled. That said, the setup is not depending on anything specific from openSUSE and should work on every modern Linux distribution.

Setting it up again in a different environment using Debian 12 images avoids a few of the shortcuts that were used and thus should be very suitable instructions to get it working in general. The step by step instructions are covered here.

Note: This is a rather classical snowflake setup -- we create a VM and do some manual configuration to get everything configured. Having it well documented here should make this more replicatable, and is an important precondition for more automation, but larger steps to full automate this using ansible or helm charts (in a containerized variant) are not addressed here. As we expect a successor project for the increasingly hard to maintain shell code, this may not be worth the trouble.

openstack-health-monitor implements a scripted scenario test with a large shell-script that uses the openstackclient tools to set up the scenario, test it and tear everything down again in a loop. Any errors are recorded, as well as timings and some very basic benchmarks. The script sets up some virtual network infrastructure (routers, networks, subnets, floating IPs), security groups, keypairs, volumes and finally boots some VMs. Access to these is tested (ensuring metadata injection works) and connectivity between them tested and measured. A loadbalancer (optionally) is set up with a health-monitor and access via it before and after killing some backends is tested. The scenario is described in a bit more detail in the repository's file.

The openstack-health-monitor is not the intended long-term solution for monitoring your infrastructure. The SCS project has a project underway that will create more modern, flexible, and more maintainable monitoring infrastructure; the concepts are described on the monitoring section of the project's documentation. The openstack-health-monitor will thus not see any significant enhancements any more; it will be maintained and kept alive as long as there are users. This guide exclusively focuses on how to set it up.

Setting up the driver VM

So we start a Debian 12 image on a cloud of our choice. This should work on any OpenStack cloud that is reasonably standard; the instructions use flavor names and image names from the SCS standards. For many, the simplest way may be to use the Web-UI of their cloud (e.g. horizon for OpenStack).

Internal vs external monitoring

There are pros and cons to run the driver VM in the same cloud that is also under test. We obviously don't test the external reachability of the cloud (more precisely its API endpoints and VMs) if we run it on the same cloud -- which may or may not be desirable. Having the tests happily continuing to collect data may actually be valuable in times when external access is barred. If the cloud goes down, we will no longer see API calls against it, although the information of them not being available does not reveal much in terms of insight into the reasons for the outage. Also, the driver VM is the only long-lived VM in the openstack-health-monitor setup, so it may be useful to have it in the same cloud to reveal any issues that do not occur on the short-lived resources created and deleted by the health-monitor.

The author tends to see running it internally as advantageous -- ideally combined with a simple API reachability test from the outside that sends alarms as needed to detect any reachability problems.

Unprivileged operation

Nothing in this test requires admin privileges on the cloud where the driver runs nor on the cloud under test. We do install and configure a few software packages in the driver VM, which requires sudo power there, but the script should just run as a normal user. For the cloud under test it is recommended to use a user (or an application credential) with a normal tenant member role to access the cloud under test. If you can, give it an OpenStack project on its own.

If openstack availability zone list --compute fails for you without admin rights, please fix your openstack client, e.g. by applying the patch I mentioned in this issue. (Versions 6.3.0 and 6.4.0 are broken.) Do not consider giving the OpenStack Health-Monitor admin power. (Note: It has a workaround for the broken AZ listing using curl now.)

Driver VM via openstack CLI

The author prefers to setup the VM via openstack CLI tooling. He has working entries for all clouds he uses in his ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml and secure.yaml and has exported the OS_CLOUD environment variable to point to the cloud he is working on to set up the driver VM. The author uses the bash shell. All of this of course could be scripted.

So here we go

  1. Create the network setup for a VM in a network oshm-network with an IPv4 subnet, connected to a router that connects (and by default SNATs) to the public network.
PUBLIC=$(openstack network list --external -f value -c Name)
openstack router create oshm-router
openstack router set --external-gateway $PUBLIC oshm-driver-router
openstack network create oshm-network
openstack subnet create --subnet-range --network oshm-network oshm-subnet
openstack router add subnet oshm-router oshm-subnet
  1. Create a security group that allows ssh and ping access
openstack security group create sshping
openstack security group rule create --ingress --ethertype ipv4 --protocol tcp --dst-port 22 sshping
openstack security group rule create --ingress --ethertype ipv4 --protocol icmp --icmp-type 8 sshping
  1. Being at it, we also create the security group for grafana
openstack security group create grafana
openstack security group rule create --ingress --ethertype ipv4 --protocol tcp --dst-port 3000 grafana
  1. To connect to the VM via ssh later, we create an SSH keypair
openstack keypair create --private-key ~/.ssh/oshm-key.pem oshm-key
chmod og-r ~/.ssh/oshm-key.pem

Rather than creating a new key (and storing and protecting the private key), we could have passed --public-key and used an existing keypair.

  1. Look up Debian 12 image UUID.
IMGUUID=$(openstack image list --name "Debian 12" -f value -c ID | tr -d '\r')

Sidenote: The tr command is there to handle broken tooling that embeds a trailing \r in the output.

  1. Boot the driver VM
openstack server create --network oshm-network --key-name oshm-key --security-group default --security-group sshping --security-group grafana --flavor SCS-2V-4 --block-device boot_index=0,uuid=$IMGUUID,source_type=image,volume_size=10,destination_type=volume,delete_on_termination=true oshm-driver

Chose a flavor that exists on your cloud. Here we have used one without root disk and asked nova to create a volume on the fly by passing --block-device. See diskless flavor blog article. For flavors with local root disks, you could have used the --image $IMGUUID parameter instead.

  1. Wait for it to boot (optional) You can look at the boot log with openstack console log show oshm-driver or connect to it via VNC at the URL given by openstack console url show oshm-driver. You can of course also query openstack on the status openstack server list or openstack server show oshm-driver. You can also just create a simple loop:
declare -i ctr=0 RC=0
while [ $ctr -le 120 ]; do
STATUS="$(openstack server list --name oshm-driver -f value -c Status)"
if [ "$STATUS" = "ACTIVE" ]; then echo "$STATUS"; break; fi
if [ "$STATUS" = "ERROR" ]; then echo "$STATUS"; RC=1; break; fi
if [ -z "$STATUS" ]; then echo "No such VM"; RC=2; break; fi
sleep 2
let ctr+=1
# return $RC
if [ $RC != 0 ]; then false; fi
  1. Attach a floating IP so it's reachable from the outside.
FIXEDIP=$(openstack server list --name oshm-driver -f value -c Networks |  sed "s@^[^:]*:[^']*'\([0-9\.]*\)'.*\$@\1@")
FIXEDPORT=$(openstack port list --fixed-ip ip-address=$FIXEDIP,subnet=oshm-subnet -f value -c ID)
openstack floating ip create --port $FIXEDPORT $PUBLIC
FLOATINGIP=$(openstack floating ip list --fixed-ip-address $FIXEDIP -f value -c "Floating IP Address")
echo "Floating IP: $FLOATINGIP"

Remember this floating IP address.

  1. Connect to it via ssh
ssh -i ~/.ssh/oshm-key.pem debian@$FLOATINGIP

On the first connection, you need to accept the new ssh host key. (Very careful people would compare the fingerprint with the console log output.)

All the following commands are performed on the newly started driver VM.

Configuring openstack CLI on the driver VM

We need to install the openstack client utilities.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-openstackclient
sudo apt-get install python3-cinderclient python3-octaviaclient python3-swiftclient python3-designateclient

Configure your cloud access in ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml

interface: public
identity-api-version: 3
#region_name: REGION
project_id: PROJECT_UUID
#alternatively project_name and project_domain_name
user_domain_name: default
# change to your real domain

and secure.yaml (in the same directory)

username: USERNAME
password: PASSWORD

The CLOUDNAME can be freely chosen. This is the value passed to the openstack CLI with --os-cloud or exported to your environment in OS_CLOUD. The other uppercase words need to be adjusted to match your cloud. Hint: horizon typically lets you download a sample clouds.yaml file that works (but lacks the password).

Protect your secure.yaml from being read by others: chmod 0600 ~/.config/openstack/secure.yaml.

If you are using application credentials instead of username, password to authenticate, you don't need to specify project_id nor project's nor user's domain names in clouds.yaml. Just (in secure.yaml):

auth_type: v3applicationcredential
application_credential_id: APPCRED_ID
application_credential_secret: "APPCRED_SECRET"

Configure this to be your default cloud:


You might consider adding this to your ~/.bashrc for convenience. Being at it, you might want to add export CLIFF_FIT_WIDTH=1 there as well to make openstack command output tables more readable (but sometimes less easy to cut'n'paste).

Verify that your openstack CLI works:

openstack catalog list
openstack server list

You can use the same project as you use for your driver VM (and possibly other workloads). The openstack-health-monitor is carefully designed to not clean up anything that it has not created. There is however some trickiness, as not all resources have names (floating IPs for example do not) and sometimes names need to be assigned after creation of a resource (volumes of diskless flavors), so in case there are API errors, some heuristics is used to identify resources which may not be safe under all circumstances. So ideally, you have an extra project created just for the health-monitor and configure the credentials for it here, so you can not possibly hit any wrong resource in the script's extensive efforts to clean up in error cases.

Custom CA

If your cloud API's endpoints don't use TLS certificates that are signed by an official CA, you need to provide your CA to this VM and configure it. (On a SCS Cloud-in-a-Box system, you find it on the manager node in /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt. You may extract the last cert or just leave them all together.) Copy the CA file to your driver VM and ensure it's readable by the debian user.

Add it to your clouds.yaml


If you want to allow to be able to talk to the service endpoints directly to avoid getting a fresh token from keystone for each call, you also need to export it to your environment:


Consider adding this to your ~/.bashrc as well.

Your first iteration

Checkout openstack-health-monitor:

sudo apt-get install git bc jq netcat-traditional tmux zstd
git clone
cd openstack-health-monitor

You may want to start a tmux (or screen) session now, so you can do multiple things in parallel (e.g. for debugging) and reconnect.

The script is the main worker of openstack-health-monitor and runs one to many iterations of a cycle where resources are created, tested and torn down. Its operation is described in the file.

It is good practice to use tmux. This allows you to return (reattach) to console sessions and to open new windows to investigate things. Traditional people may prefer to screen over tmux.

You should be ready to run one iteration of the openstack-health-monitor now. Run it like this:

export IMG="Debian 12"
export JHIMG="Debian 12"
./ -O -C -D -n 6 -s -b -B -M -T -LL -i 1

Leave out the -LL if you don't have a working loadbalancer service or replace -LL with -LO if you want to test the ovn loadbalancer instead of amphorae (saving quite some resources).

Feel free to study the meaning of all the command line parameters by looking at the (Note: Many of the things enabled by the parameters should be default, but are not for historic reasons. This would change if we rewrite this whole thing in python.)

This will run for ~7 minutes, depending on the performance of your OpenStack environment. You should not get any error. (The amber-colored outputs DOWN, BUILD, creating are not errors. Nothing in red should be displayed.) Studying the console output may be instructive to follow the script's progress. You may also open another window (remember the tmux recommendation above) and look at the resources with the usual openstack RESOURCE list and openstack RESOURCE show NAME and RESOURCE being something like router, network, subnet, port, volume, server, floating ip, loadbalancer, loadbalancer pool, loadbalancer listener, security group, keypair, image, ...)

The uses and APIMonitor_TIMESTAMP prefix for all OpenStack resource names. This allows to identify the created resources and clean them up even if things go wrong. TIMESTAMP is an integer number representing the seconds after 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (Unix time).

This may be the time to check that you have sufficient quota to create the resources. While we only create 6+N VMs (and volumes) with the above call (N being the number of AZs), we would want to increase this number for larger clouds. For single-AZ deployments, we would want to still use 2 networks at least -N 2 to test the ability of the router to route traffic between networks. So expect -n 6 to become -N 2 -n 6 for a very small single-AZ cloud or -n 12 for a large 3 AZ cloud region. So, re-run the with the target sizing.

Resource impact and charging

Note that uses small flavors (SCS-1V-2 for the N jump hosts and SCS-1L-1 for the other VMs) to keep the impact on your cloud (and on your invoice if you are not monitoring your own cloud) small. You can change the flavors.

If you have to pay for this, also consider that some clouds are not charging by the minute but may count by the started hour. So when you run in a loop (which you will) with say 10 VMs (e.g. -N 2 -n 8) in each iteration and run this for an hour with 8 iterations, you will never have more than 10 VMs in parallel and they only are alive a bit more than half of the time, but rather than being charged for ~6 VM hours, you end up being charged for ~80 VM hours. Similar for volumes, routers, floating IPs. This makes a huge difference.

Sometimes the cloud under test has issues. That's why we do monitoring ... One thing that might happen is that loadbalancers and volumes (and other resources, but those two are the most prone to this) end up in a broken state that can not be cleaned up by the user any more. Bad providers may charge for these anyhow, although this will never stand a legal dispute. (IANAL, but charging for providing something that is not working is not typically supported by civil law in most jurisdictions and T&Cs that would say so would not normally be legally enforceable.) If this happens, I recommend to keep records of the broken state (store the output of openstack volume list, openstack volume show BROKEN_VOLUME, openstack loadbalancer list, openstack loadbalancer show BROKEN_LB.)

Using -w -1 makes wait for interactive input whenever an error occurs; this can be convenient for debugging.

Once you have single iterations working nicely, we can proceed.

Automating startup and cleanup

Typically, we run with a limited amount of iterations (200) and then restart it. For each restart, we also output some statistics, compress the log file and look at any leftovers that did not get cleaned up. The latter happens in the start script that we create here.

# Do some global settings
export IMG="Debian 12"
export JHIMG="Debian 12"
#export OS_CACERT=/home/debian/ca-certificates.pem
# Additional settings to override flavors or to
# configure email addresses for sending alarms can be set here

# Does openstack CLI work?
openstack server list >/dev/null || exit 1
# Upload log files to this swift container (which you need to create)

echo "Finding resources from previous runs to clean up ..."
# Find Floating IPs
FIPS=$(openstack floating ip list -f value -c ID)
for fip in $FIPS; do
FIP=$(openstack floating ip show $fip | grep -o "APIMonitor_[0-9]*")
if test -n "$FIP"; then FIPLIST="${FIPLIST}${FIP}_
"; fi
FIPLIST=$(echo "$FIPLIST" | grep -v '^$' | sort -u)
# Cleanup previous interrupted runs
SERVERS=$(openstack server list | grep -o "APIMonitor_[0-9]*_" | sort -u)
KEYPAIR=$(openstack keypair list | grep -o "APIMonitor_[0-9]*_" | sort -u)
VOLUMES=$(openstack volume list | grep -o "APIMonitor_[0-9]*_" | sort -u)
NETWORK=$(openstack network list | grep -o "APIMonitor_[0-9]*_" | sort -u)
LOADBAL=$(openstack loadbalancer list | grep -o "APIMonitor_[0-9]*_" | sort -u)
ROUTERS=$(openstack router list | grep -o "APIMonitor_[0-9]*_" | sort -u)
SECGRPS=$(openstack security group list | grep -o "APIMonitor_[0-9]*_" | sort -u)
echo CLEANUP: FIPs $FIPLIST Servers $SERVERS Keypairs $KEYPAIR Volumes $VOLUMES Networks $NETWORK LoadBalancers $LOADBAL Routers $ROUTERS SecGrps $SECGRPS
for ENV in $FIPLIST; do
echo "******************************"
echo "CLEAN $ENV"
bash ./ -o -T -q -c CLEANUP $ENV
echo "******************************"
" | grep -v '^$' | sort -u)
for ENV in $TOCLEAN; do
echo "******************************"
echo "CLEAN $ENV"
bash ./ -o -q -LL -c CLEANUP $ENV
echo "******************************"

# Now run the monitor
#exec ./ -O -C -D -N 2 -n 6 -s -M -LO -b -B -a 2 -t -T -R -S ciab "$@"
exec ./ -O -C -D -N 2 -n 6 -s -M -LO -b -B -T "$@"

Compared to the previous run, we have explicitly set two networks here -N 2 and rely on the iterations being passed in as command line arguments. Add parameter -t if your cloud is slow to increase timeouts. We have enabled the ovtavia loadbalancer (-LO) in this example rather than the amphora based one (-LL).

You may use one of the existing scripts as example. Beware: eMail alerting with ALARM_EMAIL_ADDRESS and NOTE_EMAIL_ADDRESS (and limiting with -a and -R ) and reporting data to telegraf (option -S) may be present in the samples. Make this script executable (chmod +x

We wrap a loop around this in

rm stop-os-hm 2>/dev/null
while true; do
./ -i 200
if test -e stop-os-hm; then break; fi
echo -n "Hit ^C to abort ..."
sleep 15; echo

Also make this executable (chmod +x To run this automatically in a tmux window whenever the system starts, we follow the steps in the startup

Change OS_CLOUD in startup/ (If you need to set OS_CACERT, also add it in this file and pass it into the windows.)

Activate everything:

mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user/
cp -p startup/apimon.service ~/.config/systemd/user/
systemctl --user enable apimon
systemctl --user start apimon
sudo loginctl enable-linger debian
tmux attach -t oshealthmon

This assumes that you are using the user debian for this monitoring and have checked out the repository at ~/openstack-health-monitor/. Adjust the paths and user name otherwise. (If for whatever reason you have chosen to install things as root, you will have to install the systemd service unit in the system paths and ensure it's not started too early in the boot process.)

Changing parameters and restarting

If you want to change the parameters passed to, you best do this by editing, potentially after testing it with one iteration before.

To make the change effective, you can wait until the current 200 iterations are completed and the calls again. You can also hit ^C in the tmux window that running. The script will then exit after the current iteration. Note that sending this interrupt is handled by the script, so it does still continue the current iteration and do all the cleanup work. However, you may interrupt an API call and thus cause a spurious error (which may in the worst case lead to a couple more spurious errors). If you want to avoid this, hit ^C during the wait/sleep phases of the script (after having done all the tests or after having completed the iteration). If you hit ^C twice, it will abort the the current iteration, but still try to clean up. Then the outer script will also exit and you have to restart by manually calling ./ again.

You can also issue the systemctl --user stop apimon command; it will basically do the same thing: Send ^C and then wait for everything to be completed and tear down the tmux session. After waiting for that to complete, you can start it again with systemctl --user start apimon.

Multiple instances

You can run multiple instances of on the same driver VM. In this case, you should rename to e.g. and call from there. Don't forget to adjust startup/ and startup/ to start more windows.

It is not recommended to run multiple instances against the same OpenStack project however. While the script carefully keeps track of its own resources and avoids to delete things it has not created, this is not the case for the script, which is explicitly meant to identify anything in the target project that was created by a health monitor and clean it up. If it hits the resources that are currently in use by another health mon instance, this will create spurious errors. This will happen every ~200 iterations, so you could still have some short-term coexistence when you are performing debug operations.

Alarming and Logs


If wanted, the can send statistics and error messages via email, so operator personnel is informed about the state of the monitoring. This email notification service potentially results in many emails; one error may produce several mails. So in case of a systematic problem, expect to receive dozens of mails per hour. This can be reduced a bit using the -a N and -R options. In order to enable sending emails from the driver VM, it needs to have postfix (or another MTA) installed and configured and outgoing connections for eMail need to be allowed. Note that many operators prefer not to use the eMail notifications but rather rely on looking at the dashboards (see further down) regularly.

Once you have configured postfix, you can enable eMail notifications using the option -e. Using it twice allows you to differentiate between notes (statistical summaries) and errors. If you want to send mails to more than one recipient, you can do so by passing ALARM_EMAIL_ADDRESSES and NOTE_EMAIL_ADDRESSES environment variables to, e.g. by setting it in the

Log files writes a log file with the name APIMonitor_TIMESTAMP.log. It contains a bit of information to see the progress of the script; more importantly, it logs every single openstack CLI call along with parameters and results. (TIMESTAMP is the Unix time, i.e. seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.)

Note that does take some care not to expose secrets -- since v1.99, it does also redact issued tokens (which would otherwise give you up to 24hrs of access). But the Log files still may contain moderately sensitive information, so we suggest to not share it with untrusted parties.

The log file is written to the file system. After finishing the 200 iterations, the log file is compressed. If the environment variable SWIFTCONTAINER has been set (in when starting the log file will be uploaded to a container with that name if it exists and if the swift object storage service is supported by the cloud. So create the container (a bucket in S3 speak) before if you want to use this: export SWIFTCONTAINER=OSHM_Logs; openstack container create $SWIFTCONTAINER

After the 200 iterations, a .psv file (pipe-separated values) is created Stats.STARTTIME-ENDTIME.psv (with times as calendar dates) which contains a bit of statistics on the last 200 iterations. This one will also be uploaded to $SWIFTCONTAINER (if configured).

Data collection and dashboard



To install telegraf on Debian 12, we need to add the apt repository provided by InfluxData:

sudo curl -fsSL -o /etc/apt/keyrings/influxdata-archive_compat.key
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/influxdata-archive_compat.key] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdata.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install telegraf

In the config file /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf, we enable

service_address = ":8186"

urls = [""]

and restart the service (sudo systemctl restart telegraf). Enable it on system startup: sudo systemctl enable telegraf.


We proceed to influxdb:

sudo apt-get install influxdb

In the configuration file /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf, ensure that the http interface on port 8086 is enabled.

enabled = true
bind-address = ":8086"

Restart influxdb as needed with sudo systemctl restart influxdb. Also enable it on system startup: sudo systemctl enable influxdb.

Add -S CLOUDNAME to your script

You need to tell the monitor that it should send data via telegraf to influxdb by adding the parameter -S CLOUDNAME to the call in Restart it (see above) to make the change effective immediately (and not only after 200 iterations complete).

Caddy (Reverse Proxy)

We're going to deploy Grafana behind Caddy as a reverse proxy. Caddy is very easy to configure, comes with sensible defaults and can automatically provision TLS certificates using Let's Encrypt.

Install Caddy

We follow to setup the stable APT repository:

sudo apt install -y debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring apt-transport-https curl
curl -1sLf '' | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/caddy-stable-archive-keyring.gpg
curl -1sLf '' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/caddy-stable.list

And install Caddy:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install caddy

Ensure it's started and starts at boot with sudo systemctl enable --now caddy.

Allow HTTP traffic for oshm-driver

Caddy needs TCP port 80 opened to be able to process the Let's Encrypt HTTP challenge, so let's configure an appropriate security group for oshm-driver:

openstack security group create http
openstack security group rule create --ingress --ethertype ipv4 --protocol tcp --dst-port 80 http
openstack server add security group oshm-driver http

Configure Caddy

Create a file /etc/caddy/Caddyfile with the following contents: {
reverse_proxy localhost:3003

Replace with your actual domain. You can use a hostname of your liking, but Caddy will create TLS certificates for this host using the HTTP challenge. The domain is controlled by the SCS project team and has been used for a number of health mon instances.

Reload Caddy with sudo systemctl reload caddy. That's it.

You should now be able to access and see a proxy error page because the Grafana service is not yet running (this is our next step). The very first request will be a bit slower, because Caddy interacts with Let's Encrypt API to create the TLS certificate behind the scenes.

Caddy logs can be accessed with sudo journalctl -u caddy.


Install Grafana

We follow and setup the stable APT repository:

mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings
wget -q -O - | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/keyrings/grafana.gpg > /dev/null
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/grafana.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/grafana.list

And install it:

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install grafana

Basic config

The config file /etc/grafana/grafana.ini needs some adjustments.

We're going to deploy Grafana behind a reverse proxy (Caddy) and configure it as such.

Therefore, in the [server] section:

protocol = http
http_addr =
http_port = 3003
domain =
root_url = https://%(domain)s:3000/

Please replace with your actual domain.

Next, in the [security] section, set:

admin_user = admin
admin_password = SOME_SECRET_PASS
secret_key = SOME_SECRET_KEY
data_source_proxy_whitelist = localhost:8088 localhost:8086
cookie_secure = true

Please replace SOME_SECRET_PASS and SOME_SECRET_KEY with secure passwords (for example, you can use pwgen -s 20).

Finally, in the [users] section, set:

allow_sign_up = false
allow_org_create = false

The configuration file contains secrets and should be protected such that only root and group grafana can read it:

sudo chown root:grafana /etc/grafana/grafana.ini
sudo chmod 0640 /etc/grafana/grafana.ini

We do the OIDC connection in the section [auth.github] later.

We can now restart the service: sudo systemctl restart grafana-server. Being at it, also enable it on system startup: sudo systemctl enable grafana-server.

You should now be able to access your dashboard on and log in via the configured username admin and your SOME_SECRET_PASS password.

Enable influx database in grafana

In the dashboard, go to Home, Connections, choose InfluxDB and Add new datasource. The defaults (database name, InfluxQL query language) work. You need to explicitly set the URL to http://localhost:8086 (despite this being the suggestion). Set the database name to telegraf. Save&test should succeed.

Importing the dashboard

Go to Home, Dashboards, New, Import. Upload the dashboard .json file from the repository, user the Grafana-10 variant if you use Grafana 10 or newer.

In the dashboard, go to the settings gear wheel, variables, mycloud and add CLOUDNAME to the list of clouds that can be displayed. (There are some existing SCS clouds in that list.) Save.

Now choose CLOUDNAME as cloud (top of the dashboard, rightmost dropdown for the mycloud filter variable).

No data displayed?

Sometimes, you may see a panel displaying "no data" despite the fact that the first full iteration of data has been sent to influx already. This may be a strange interaction between the browser and Grafana -- we have not analyzed whether that is a bug in Grafana.

One way to work around is to go into the setting of the panel (the three dots in the upper right corner), go to edit and start changing one aspect of the query. Apply. Change it back to the original. Apply. The data will appear. Save to be sure it's conserved.

Dashboard features

Look at the top line filters: You can filter to only see certain API calls or certain resources; the graphs are very crowded and filtering to better see what you want to focus on is very well intended.

The first row of panels give a health impression; there are absolute numbers as well as percentage numbers and the panels turn amber and red in case you have too many errors. Note that the colors on the panels with absolute numbers can not take into account whether you look at just a few hours or at weeks. Accordingly, consider the colors a reasonable hint if things are green or not when looking at a ~24 hours interval. This limitation does not affect the colors on the percentage graph, obviously.

You can change the time interval and zoom in also by marking an interval with the mouse. Zooming out to a few months can be a very useful feature to see trends and watch e.g. your API performance, your resource creation times or the benchmarks change over the long term.

GitHub OIDC Integration

The SCS providers do allow all GitHub users that belong to the SovereignCloudStack organization to get Viewer access to the dashboards. This allows to exchange experience and to get a feeling for the achievable stability. (Hint: A single digit number of API call fails per week and no other failures is achievable on loaded clouds.)

OIDC integration is achieved by adjusting the [auth.github] section in /etc/grafana/grafana.ini as follows:

enabled = true
client_id = YOUR_CLIENT_ID
client_secret = YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET
allowed_organizations = ["SovereignCloudStack"]
role_attribute_path = "'Viewer'"
allow_assign_grafana_admin = false
skip_org_role_sync = true

This config maps all users to the Viewer role regardless of their role in the GitHub Org. Please replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID and YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET with the OAuth2 credentials that the SCS Org GitHub admins provided to you. Finally, don't forgot to restart Grafana with sudo systemctl restart grafana-server after adjusting the config.

More information can be found in the Grafana documentation for GitHub OAuth2.


The driver VM is a snowflake: A manually set up system (unless you automate all the above steps, which is possible of course) that holds data and is long-lived. As such it's important to be maintained.

Unattended upgrades

It is recommended to ensure maintenance updates are deployed automatically. These are unlikely to negatively impact the openstack-health-monitor. See If you decide against unattended upgrades, it is recommended to install updates manually regularly and especially watch out for issues that affect the services that are exposed to the world: sshd (port 22) and Caddy/Grafana (port 3000).

If you use unattended-upgrades, you should review your settings in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades, especially Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern. It controls which packages are upgraded. If you want Caddy to be part of the automated updates, add an entry like the following:

Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern {
// ...

(This corresponds to o=cloudsmith/caddy/stable in the output of apt-cache policy).

sshd setup

If you already use SSH keys to sign in to the driver VM, consider setting the following in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config if not already set:

PasswordAuthentication no

Debian's openssh-server, by default, is also very open about its version, so you might consider disabling this via:

DebianBanner no

Updating openstack-health-monitor

You can just do a git update in the openstack-health-monitor directory to get the latest improvements. Note that these will only become effective after the 200 iterations have completed. You can speed this up by injecting a ^C, see above in the restart section.


The system holds two things that you might consider valuable for long-term storage: (1) The log files. These are compressed and uploaded to object storage if you enable the SWIFTCONTAINER setting, which probably means that these do not need any additional backing up then. (2) The influx time series data. Back up the data in /var/lib/influxdb.

Obviously, if you want to recover quickly from a crash, you might consider to also back up telegraf, influx and grafana config files as well as the edited startup scripts, clouds.yaml, etc. Be careful not to expose sensitive data by granting too generous access to your backed up files.


Debugging issues

In case there is trouble with your cloud, the normal course of action to analyze is as follows:

  • Look at the dashboard (see above)
  • Connect to the driver VM and attach to the tmux session and look at the console output of
  • Analyze the logfile (locally on the driver VM or grab it from the object storage)

Analyzing failures

When VM instances are created successfully, but then end up in ERROR state, the does an explicit openstack server show, so you will find some details in the tmux session, in the alarm emails (if you use those) and in the log files.

Sometimes the VMs end up being ACTIVE as wanted but then they can't be accessed via ssh. More often than not, this is a problem with meta-data service on a compute host. Without metadata, not ssh key is injected and login will fail.

To gather more details, you can look at the console output openstack console log show VM (where VM is the name of the uuid of the affected VM instance). The cloud-init output is often enough to see what has gone wrong. You can log in to the VMs: The jumphosts are directly accessible via ssh -i APIMonitor_XXXXX_JH.pem debian@FIP, whereas the JumpHost does port forwarding to the other VMs that don't have their own floating IP address: ssh -i APIMonitor_XXXXX_VM.pem -p 222 debian@FIP. Replace XXXXX with the number in your current APIMonitor prefix, FIP with the floating IP address of the responsible JumpHost and debian with the user name used by the images you boot. Use 223 to connect to the second VM in the network, 224 the third etc.

When logged in, look at /var/log/cloud-init-output.log and /var/log/cloud-init.log. You can find the metadata in /var/lib/cloud/instance/.

You will not have much time to look around -- the still running script does continue and clean things up again. So you might want to suspend it with ^Z (and continue it later with fg). Another option is to not stop the regular monitoring, but start a second instance manually; see above notes for running multiple instances though. If you start a second instance manually against the same project, do NOT use the script as it would do cleanup against the running instance, but rather copy the command line from the bottom (without the exec), reduce the iterations to a few (unless you need a lot to trigger the issue again) and attach -w -1 to make the script stop its operation (and wait for Enter) once it hits an error. Of course, you still will face cleanup when the continuing main script hits its 200th iteration and you have chosen to run this second instance against the same project in the same cloud. After analyzing, do not forget to go back to the tmux window where the stopped script is running and do hit Enter, so it can continue and do its cleanup work.

Cleaning things up

If you are unlucky, the script fails to clean something up. A volume may not have been named (because of a cinder failure) or all the logic may have gone wrong, e.g. the heuristic to avoid leaking floating IPs. You can try to clean this up using the normal openstack commands (or horizon dashboard).

There are a few things that may need support from a cloud admin:

  • Volumes may end up permanently in a deleting or reserved state or may be in-use, attached to a VM that has long gone. The admin needs to set the state to error and then delete them.
  • Loadbalancers may end up in a PENDING_XXX state (XXX being CREATE, UPDATE or DELETE) without ever changing. This also needs the cloud admin to set the status to ERROR, so it can be cleaned up. amphorae are more prone to this than ovn LBs.

More like these may happen, but those two are the only ones that have been observed to happen occasionally. Some services seem to be less robust than others against an event in the event queue (rabbitmq) being lost or an connection to be interrupted.

The source of this document can be found in the SovereignCloudStack/openstack-health-monitor repository.

Author: SCS Community, License: CC by Attribution 4.0 International