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The prerequisite for deploying the Manager node is a Seed node. What a Seed node is and how to prepare it is documented in the Seed chapter of the Deploy Guide.

The Manager node serves as the central administration instance for managing the cloud environment. With the help of Ansible and other OSISM-specific components, the entire life cycle of the system is coordinated from here (installation, customization, upgrades, etc.).

Requirements for the manager node:

  • The system should have the following hardware features
    • at least 64 GB RAM (We assume here that the monitoring services are also run on the manager. If the manager node is only used for the sanager Service, 32 GByte is sufficient and with 16 GByte it will probably also work.
    • at least 256 GB hard disk space
    • the system should be initially and permanently accessible independently of the cloud environment itself from the seed node
    • the system should have direct access to the network areas of the individual server systems in the cloud environment
  • An Ubuntu version matching the OSISM version should be provisioned on the system (typically the latest Ubuntu LTS version, a system based on one of the OSISM node images would be ideal)
  • No manual adjustments or installations should have been made on the system apart from the basic installation
  • The system has to be accessible from the seed node via SSH

Deploy the manager service

Change into the environments/manager directory of the configuration repository on the seed node. The deployment of the seed node itself is documented in the Deploy Guide for the seed node.

cd environments/manager

If you are working with Git branches, read the instructions.

Step 1: Create operator user

The operator user is created on each node. It is used as a service account for OSISM. All containers run with this user. Ansible also uses this user to access the nodes. Commands on the manager node need to be run as this user. The name of the operator user is always dragon.

With ANSIBLE_USER the existing user account is set after the provsioning of the management node. When using the osism/node-image the user is osism and the password of this user is password. If you install Ubuntu manually the user usually is ubuntu. If you want to use any other user here, that's no problem. It is important that this user has sudo rights. The password according to what you have set yourself.

The ANSIBLE_USER parameter is only required when executing operator play using the script. After this step, the ANSIBLE_USER is always set to dragon in the script. It is therefore important to only set this parameter for exactly this step.

./ operator

When the ./ operator is executed, the following prompts are displayed.

SSH password:Password so that the ANSIBLE_USER can loginEnabled by ANSIBLE_ASK_PASS
BECOME password[defaults to SSH password]:Password so that the ANSIBLE_USER can use sudoEnabled by ANSIBLE_BECOME_ASK_PASS
Vault password:Value of secrets/vaultpassEnabled by ANSIBLE_ASK_VAULT_PASS
  • If a password is required to login to the manager node, ANSIBLE_ASK_PASS=True must be set.

  • If an SSH key is required to login to the manager node, the key has to be added on the manager node to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys in the home directory of the user specified as ANSIBLE_USER first.

  • If the error ERROR! Attempting to decrypt but no vault secrets found occurs, ANSIBLE_ASK_VAULT_PASS=True has to be set.

  • If the error /bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/python: not found occurs, Python has to be installed first on the manager node:

    ANSIBLE_USER=osism ./ python3
  • If you receive the following error message ssh: Too many authentication failures set ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS environment variable to use only the operator ssh key for authentication.

    export ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-o IdentitiesOnly=yes"
  • The warning message [WARNING]: running playbook inside collection osism.manager can be ignored

  • If Ansible Vault is used, let Ansible ask for the Vault password:


Details on all parameters can be found in Ansible Configuration Settings in the Ansible documentation.

Environment variableTypeDescription
ANSIBLE_ASK_PASSBooleanThis controls whether an Ansible playbook should prompt for a login password. If using SSH keys for authentication, you probably do not need to change this setting.
ANSIBLE_ASK_VAULT_PASSBooleanThis controls whether an Ansible playbook should prompt for a vault password.
ANSIBLE_BECOME_ASK_PASSBooleanToggle to prompt for privilege escalation password.
ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGSStringIf set, this will override the Ansible default ssh arguments.
ANSIBLE_USERStringThe user Ansible ‘logs in’ as.
To verify the creation of the operator user, use the private key file id_rsa.operator. Make
sure you purge all keys from ssh-agent identity cache using ssh-add -D. You can print the list
using ssh-add -l. The list should be empty.
ssh-add -D
ssh -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i id_rsa.operator dragon@testbed-manager

Step 2: Apply the network configuration

Most of the parameters required for Ansible (ANSIBLE_BECOME_ASK_PASS, ANSIBLE_ASK_PASS, ANSIBLE_USER, ...) in the previous step are no longer necessary. If Ansible Vault is used, however, ANSIBLE_ASK_VAULT_PASS must still be set.


To prevent recurring installation of Ansible Collections, export INSTALL_ANSIBLE_ROLES=False can be set.

The network configuration, already present on a node should be backuped before this step. Then you can deploy the network configuration with the network role.

./ network

Upon completion of the network configurtion, a node reboot should be performed to ensure the configuration is functional and reboot safe. Since network services are not restarted automatically, later changes to the network configuration are not effective without a manual apply of the network configuration or reboot of the nodes.

Step 3: Bootstrap the manager node

Most of the parameters required for Ansible (ANSIBLE_BECOME_ASK_PASS, ANSIBLE_ASK_PASS, ANSIBLE_USER, ...) in the previous step are no longer necessary.

If Ansible Vault is used, however, export ANSIBLE_ASK_VAULT_PASS=True must still be set.

To prevent recurring installation of Ansible Collections, export INSTALL_ANSIBLE_ROLES=False can be set. This is recommended.

  1. Bootstrap the manager node.

    ./ bootstrap
  2. Reboot the manager node.

    ./ reboot

Step 4: Deploy the manager service

  1. Transfer the configuration repository.

    ./ configuration
  2. Deploy the Traefik service. This is optional and only necessary if the Traefik service is to be used.

    ./ traefik
  3. Deploy the Netbox service. This is optional and only necessary if the Netbox service is to be used.

    ./ netbox
  4. Deploy the manager service.

    ./ manager

Step 5: Set vault password on the manager service

Finally, the Ansible Vault password is made known on the manager node. Before that, log in to the manager node with the dragon user.

osism set vault password

Ready. The manager is now prepared and you can continue with the bootstrap of the other nodes. The seed node used until here is no longer necessary.