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With the role, it is possible to manage Docker.

Configure logging drivers

Docker documentation:

The role currently supports the following parameters with their respective defaults.

docker_log_driver: "json-file"
docker_log_level: info
max-size: 10m
max-file: 3

The log driver to be used can be configured with docker_log_driver. By default, json-file is used. The log driver writes all logs of a container to a JSON file in /var/lib/docker/containers. All supported log drivers can be found in the Docker documentation.

The log level can be configured via docker_log_level.

Parameters for the log driver used can be set with the docker_log_opts dictionary. By default, the maximum size of a JSON file is set to 10 MByte with max-size: 10m. If it contains more, the file is rotated.

Furthermore, max-file: 3 specifies that up to 3 files should be available.

Existing containers don't use the new logging configuration automatically.